Naval station rota support

Last updated: Aug. 29, 2021 | 13:50 CET


As most of you are aware, NAVSTA Rota is preparing to receive qualified evacuees from Afghanistan. While NAVSTA Rota and area tenant commands are providing resources and personnel to support this mission, we have many within our community that want to help.

The NAVSTA Rota Chaplains, Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, American Red Cross, and United Services Organization have put together a donation process for our community members to donate goods to support the evacuees. The current list for items requested can be found on NMCRS’s facebook page:

**Please do not donate items that are not on the list.**

Donated items can be dropped off at the Chapel Fellowship Hall, preferably from 1000-1800 daily. Donations after hours will be accepted in the dropboxes outside of the Chapel.


If you would like to volunteer to help with the donation drive or other evacuation efforts, please visit and select the link “EVACUATION VOLUNTEERS.”

Stay tuned to the NMCRS Facebook page for updates on this donation opportunity and any additional items that may be required.